The Landscape Institute are now part of the Open House Weekend initiative and asked for volunteers to lead walks around recently completed projects or around favourite places.
Sat.21 September – Kings Cross Walk
I chose this area as I live locally and have seen the place change dramatically in the last twenty years. It is a brilliant example of sensitive and robust conservation combined with bold contemporary insertion of new infrastructure. We saw the new spaces between Kings Cross and St Pancras; Kings Cross Square; The Regents Quarter; Kings Place; Granary Square; the canal; and St Pancras Old Church.

Open House Kings Cross – Kings Place

Open House Kings Cross – Regents Canal

Open House Kings Cross – St Pancras Old Church & John Soanes Tomb
Sun.22 September – Fulham Palace
This is the core part of the country seat for the Bishops of London from the Tudor period until the late 20th Century. The garden saw new plants introduced to England from the Americas from the Seventeenth Century onwards.
Before the embankment was built, the gardens ran down to the river. DCLA have drawn up a Long Term Vision for presentation of the gardens for Fulham Palace Trust.

Open House Fulham Palace

Open House Fulham Palace